Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Blog Writing #10: Hindsight Advice (due Thursday 6/14)

Write what you think the people in the following situations SHOULD HAVE DONE, OUGHT TO HAVE DONE or SHOULD'NT HAVE DONE.  You MUST respond to all four situations.

1.  Misael and his wife, Misaela, had good jobs as professionals in Sao Paolo. Misael was offered a full scholarship at the LCC, which he immediately accepted. Misaela was shocked when Misael came home that evening and told her the news. She liked her job and the people she worked with, and did not want to move to a foreign country where the weather was unbearable and the people didn't know how to dance.

2. Nadyeska agreed to meet her friend Hassan at the library to help him with his English homework. On the way, she stopped at a cafe where her boyfriend (who looked like Brad Pitt) worked. Her boyfriend told her that he could get off work early that night, so the two of them decided to go to a movie. Nadyeska didn't cancel her plans with Hassan, so Hassan waited three hours for her at the library.

3. For three years, Keemz had been saving his money for a trip to Houston. His brother, Jeemz, had a good job, but spent all of his money on expensive cars, clothes, and entertainment. Suddenly, Jeemz was fired from his job and had no money to support himself while he looked for another one. Keemz lent him nearly all of his savings, and within three weeks Jeemz spent it all on his car, more clothes, and expensive restaurants.

4. Diem often exaggerated and once told a co-worker that she was fluent in French, even though she had studied only a little and could not really communicate in the language. A few days later, Diem's boss asked her to come to his office to interpret a meeting with a French businessman who had just arrived from Paris to negotiate a major contract with the company. After an embarrassed silence, Diem told her boss that she was feeling ill and had to go home immediately.


  1. Dear Nadyeska , you shouldn't have stopped to the cafe because Hassan was waiting for you. Also, you ought to have called Hassan instead of ditching your friend shame on you (afaaaa :p). In addition, you should have explained to your boyfriend that you had to help a friend , and postponed the date to another day.

  2. 1. Dear Misaela, you may know that when you married to someone there are going to be some though choices that may appear in life and when it happens it's important to prioritize what is really important to the one that has to make the choice and the causes of this choice to the marriage. With that been said, you shouldn't have to worry about how people dance and the weather, but yet the goals that your husband needs to achieve in order to be successful in life.

    2.Dear Nadyeska, it is important when you schedule a meeting with someone to really be on time. You shouldn't let Hassan waiting, you could have given him a call saying that something else happend.

    3.Dear Keemz, there is a saying in my country: "Who lends does not improve"; If you knew that your brother was a big spender you shouldn't have handed him the money giving him the full control of it; you ought to pay his bills and handle the problem for him next time.

    4.Dear Diem, if you want to get a job,you must not lie in your CV. It is important that you specify your qualities as they really are. If you think that your qualities aren't enough to get a job, why don't you take some other courses? It will help you with your knowledge too.

  3. Misaela should have been happy, when she heard Misael's news.

    Nadyeska ought to have mentioned that she will not meet with Hassan.

    Keemz should not have given his money to Jeemz.

    Diem should not have exaggerated that she was fluent in France.

    1. perfect modals, Hilal; but I'm not sure I agree with #1 :D

  4. Life just never get tired...

    Misaela should have learned
    love has no place
    it is necessary cross the doors

    Nadyeska should not have worried
    life is romance
    friends, do not consult clocks

    Keemz ought to have taught
    lend is experience
    no money no brothers

    Diem should have taken the risk
    lie is hope
    do not run away, made mistakes

    Life is brief
    Life is brief

    Misaela moved
    Nadyeka kissed
    Keemz learned
    Diem was hired

    This is the way world moves, not with certainties but with doubts

    1. How wonderful to know that we have not only a POET in the class but a PHILOSOPHER as well! Your writing penetrates my heart, Misael.

      However, a few parts I'm not clear on:
      1. "it is necessary cross the doors."
      2. "lend is experience."
      3. "lie is hope." Did you mean "lie" or "life?"

  5. Misaela should have been happy, because as what Misael said "love has no place".

    Nadyeska should've called Hassan and tell him she's is not coming.

    Keems have done a great assistance to support his brother, but i think he'd better learn from this lesson to not give his money to a guy who cant save his money. :p

    Diem shouldn't have exaggerated on her French language

  6. 1 Misael ,you shouldn't have offered a full scholarship without telling your wife
    2 Nadyeska,you should have told your boyfriends you already had had a date
    3 Keemz,You should have kept your dream and protected it.
    4 Diem,you should told the turth to them

  7. 1- Misaela should have obeyed her husband and went to Houston.
    2- Nadyeska ought to have called Hassan and apologized from him.
    3- Keemz shouldn’t have lent his brother money because he knew, he would spend the money as usual.
    4- Dime shouldn’t have lied to her boss eventually he would know.

    1. There is a mistake in #1.

      All of the rest are good.

  8. 1. Misael should have spoken with Misaela before accepting the scholarship.
    2. Nadyeska should have called Hassan to inform him that she wasn't going to make it.
    3. Keemz shouldn't have lent his brother such amount of money.
    4. Diem should have told her boss the truth.

  9. 1. Misaela should have come to Houston with her husband. Now, she doesn't know Misael has a new girlfriend :)
    2. Nadyeska should have kept her promise with Hassan.
    3. Keemz shouldn't have believe his brother.
    4. Diem ought to have been honest from the beginning and then, she wasn't embarrassed.

    1. I like your humor, Diem!

      4. and then, she wouldn't have been embarrassed. But we didn't do this in class yet, so this mistake is acceptable.

  10. First, Misael should have told her his plan, so she could have found a way to travel with him without leaving her job, or finding a similar job in Houston.

    Second, I should have called Hassan and postponed the meeting.

    Third, Keemz should have helped him buying food or paying his bills, instead of giving the money directly.

    Finally, Diem shouldn't have lied to her boss, she should have been honest.

  11. 1.Misaela should have been happy, when she heard Misael's news.
    2- Nadyeska ought to have called Hassan and apologized from him.
    3.Keemz shouldn't give money to his brother directly
    4.Diem should be honest.

  12. 1. Misael should have persuaded his wife to go to foreign country, and Misaela should not have
    rejected this good opportunity to have new experience of living outside country.
    2. Nadeyeska should have told her boyfriend that she had a appointment with Hassan. Now
    Nadeyeska must apologize to Hassan, and please he forgive her.
    3. Keemz should have told parents his brother's situation, and required him return money as soon
    as possible.
    4. Diem had better to have said the truth to her boss. Diem should not have exaggerated.

    1. 1, 2, and 3 are good.

      #4. We cannot put "had better" into the past with the meaning of past suggestion. It means something else, which I haven't explained yet. The correct answer is Diem should have or ought to have told the truth to her boss.

  13. 1- Misaela should have been happy because of her husband
    2- Nadeyeska should have told her boyfriend that she had an appointment with me because I was waiting for her the whole day.
    3- Keemz should not lend his brother money anymore because he does not have any responsibility
    4- Diem must have told her boss that she is sick so he can bring another translator.

  14. 1.Misael should have spoken with Misaela to begin with, not just accept the offer.

    2- Nadayeska should have told her boyfriend that she had other plans and could not go with him.

    3- Jeemz shouldn't have spend his brother's long earned money on all those things, he should have kept them until he got a new job and returned the money to Keemz.

    4- Diem shouldn't have lied in the first place.

    1. 3. Jeemz shouldn't have SPENT his brother's HARD-EARNED money

      Good advice; good writing. Welcome to the blog, TJ!
