Friday, July 13, 2012

Have a great weekend!

I hope you had fun at our second Friday Fun Day and also at the Culture Festival (Yang and Franco, where were you??).

Also, I forgot to wish Hilal a very happy birthday. Her birthday was Thursday.

You know what you've got to do for Monday:  Grammar test and final draft. I will answer grammar questions before the test.

Also, if you're behind on the blog work, please catch up.

Finally, if you haven't already done so, listen to my responses to your noun clause personal questions. If you have any comments regarding WHAT I SAID, post them on the blog.

You can find the video here:


  1. Happy B-day Hilal. Wish you all the best.

    And have a great weekend too, Holly.

    We know YOU ARE WORKING HARD FOR US and we are all appreciate WHAT YOU DO. Thank you. ;)

  2. Thank you so much for celebrating my birthday Holly and Sarilak. Also, I have the same idea with you Sarilak. Holly, you are really working hard. Thank you so much for doing everything for us...

    1. It is my absolute pleasure to work hard for students who also work hard!
